The Canadian Centre of
Indian Head Massage
Ayurvedic Foot Massage Practitioners
This directory includes some of the individuals who have attended the Ayurvedic Foot Massage course through the Canadian Centre of Indian Head Massage and have chosen to be part of this directory. If you do not find a practitioner in your area please contact us.
Susan Greer-CP LadyBug Reflexology, 67 Riverland Cl W., Lethbridge. T1K 5T6. 403.360.5416. sgreer1@shaw.ca
New Brunswick
Debbie Boehlen-CP, CI Heal Yourself Naturally Wellness Centre, 720 Boyd Road, Elmsville. 506.466.3032. debbieboehlen@protonmail.com healyourselfnaturally.net
Nova Scotia
Heidi Sivret-CP Eastern Touch, 22 Edgehill Road, Halifax. B3N 1G6. 902-802-0814. easterntouchayurvedic@gmail.com easterntouch.ca