The Canadian Centre of
Indian Head Massage
Welcome to the Online
Rejuvenating Face Massage Course
There are 56 instructional videos (49.29 minutes watching time in total) showing you in detail exactly how to do the techniques, 8 review videos (48.25 minutes total watching time) as well as one video with a full run-through from start to finish (43:43 minutes watching time), so you can follow along as you practice. You can watch all these videos over and over again. A Certificate of Attendance will be awarded once the course is complete and a video is submitted of you doing a full session on someone.
Go here to access the course: https://school.indianheadmassagecanada.com/
Course Content
The Course is laid out in Chapters, each with lessons or sections.
Chapter 1
In Chapter 1 you will be going over the theoretical information important in Rejuvenating Face Massage. In this chapter, we cover:
Lesson 1 - Advantages, Possible Benefits, and Reactions
Lesson 2 - Precautions and Contra-indications
Lesson 3 - Anatomy of the Head and Face
Lesson 4 - About the Skin
Lesson 5 - Posture and Body Mechanics and Some Notes on Massage Techniques
Lesson 6 - Hygiene and Setting the Stage
Lesson 7 - Sinuses and the Chakras
Lesson 8 - Whiplash
Chapter 2
In Chapter 2 you will find the techniques. Here you will find all of the Rejuvenating Face Massage techniques divided into 8 sections. The videos which describe and show in detail each technique are located here as well as a written description of the techniques with each video. You will be learning the techniques in the order you will be doing them as part of your Rejuvenating Face Massage session with clients, or family and friends. This is the Chapter you will be spending most of your time on.
Chapter 3
In Chapter 3 you will find the Informed Consent, and Precautions and Contraindications forms. These are important, you have to have your client go over these forms before you start your massage. These will ensure you are both fully informed before starting a session.
You will also find the information you will need to become fully certified if this is something you are considering, and the case study form needed as part of this process.
Chapter 4
In Chapter 4 you will find information about Holistic Practitioner's Insurance. Having this insurance is essential if you are planning on giving sessions professionally.
Information about the Directory of Practitioners is also found here. If you would like to be listed as a Practitioner on The Canadian Centre of Indian Head Massage's website. Go here for more information.
Chapter 5
In Chapter 5 you will find the Bibliography, all the research materials that were in part used to put this course together. Other sources are my education and experience with teaching and the information received from students and professionals in the field.
Chapter 6
Chapter 6 is the Appendix with some fun info relating to the course but not part of the core of the course.
Cost: $325.00CAD
If you need a receipt for tax purposes please email debbieboehlen@protonmail.com
Example Video